Regular Yoga Spaces and Waitlists
I have a list of 10 clients for each class. Currently all of my regular classes are fully booked. Please know I appreciate your interest. I'd love to hear from you anyway and as soon a spot becomes available I will let you know.
MONDAY x 2 classes
18.20 RESTORATIVE YIN (full)
19.40 RESTORATIVE YIN (full)
WEDNESDAY x 3 classes
09.30 GENTLE YOGA (full)
18.20 YOGA WITH WEIGHT to YIN (full)
19.40 RESTORATIVE YIN (full)
SATURDAY x 1 class
09.30 BREATHE, FLOW & GROUND New Class (full)
This class lasts 70 minutes and starts with a 15 minute breath-work session followed by 25 minutes flow movement and 30 minutes meditation and restorative stretch to restore body and mind
To a waiting list please message Jude on 07544773114